Enrolment Criteria and Policy

Brisbane Catholic Education established Notre Dame Catholic College to serve families seeking a Catholic P-12 education for their children. We welcome students and families who support the expressed values and special religious character of the College.

Notre Dame College seek students and families who commit to the values of the College and who are willing to support and contribute positively to the life of the College.

Accordingly, a process of discernment regarding the offer of enrolment places will be undertaken by the College following receipt of an enrolment application. Based on availability of positions, each application will be judged on its merit with priority normally given to:

  1. Catholic students and applicants from Catholic families 
  2. Whether the applicant is the sibling of a current or past student of the College
  3. Applicants attending the kindergarten managed by Catholic Early EdCare at Bells Creek
  4. Applicants from families from another or no faith tradition who are willing to commit to the values of the College and who are willing to support and contribute positively to the life of the College.

 Additional considerations include:

  • The student's educational and behavioural history
  • The parent/caregiver's commitment to support College policies and processes
  • The parent/caregiver's commitment to meeting the payment of College school fees   and levies

Wh​ile applicants seeking enrolment who are current students of another Catholic primary or secondary school will normally be given priority, enrolment should not be seen as automatic or guaranteed especially when availability of places and the above priorities are considered. 

The date on which the application for enrolment is received is an important factor. All applications will be considered in accordance with the enrolment criteria and the date of receipt of the application for enrolment.

The College maintains the right to reserve enrolment places for Catholic families new to the area.

Enrolment decisions are made by the Principal in accordance with this policy, and various other Brisbane Catholic Education policies.

Ongoing enrolment of all students is subject to students and families meeting College expectations.  

Non-disclosure of any information relevant to the application for enrolment may result in discontinuation of the enrolment process or withdrawal of a student's enrolment.