Our Logo

​​​​NotreDameCollegeNewLogoSmall.jpgThe Notre Dame College logo represents the context in which the College is embedded.   

College Name
Notre Dame - French for 'Our Lady'. 

​Solid White Cross 
Holds the central position of the logo as it represents Jesus who is the centre of our Catholic beliefs. 

​The Eagle ​

  • The Ka​bi Kabi First Nations people have a unique relationship with the eagle
  • They use their knowledge from observing eagle behaviour as they fish for mullet in Pumicestone Passage, always leaving the lead mullet to move through the passa​ge before feeding from the remainder of the school. 


​Mary, Mother of Jesus, and Infant Jesus 
Mary holding the infant Jesus shows Mary as mother, protector, carer, and woman of faith. Our local Parish honours Mary through its name; Our Lady of the Rosary Parish.  

The College enlivens the spirituality of the Marist tradition to develop a closer relationship with Jesus. "The word “Marist” is derived from the name 'Mary', the mother of Jesus.  Marists are those who bear her name, endeavour to live her spirit, and minister in the Church and the world under the name of Mary." (www.maristsm.org

Five White Dot Markers

The five markers each represent a different characteristic of Champagnat Marist Identity. 

The markers describe the ideals to which all Champagnat Marists, students and adults alike, should commit to – they are the how. 

  • Presence  – caring for each other, seeking relationships founded on love, being attentive and welcoming with a sense of openness. 

  • Simplicity  – being straightforward and genuine, humble and modest, ‘doing good quietly. 

  • Family Spirit– relating to each other as members of a loving family, building community, offering the warmth of welcoming, acceptance and belonging, sharing our successes and failures, setting clear standards of honesty, mutual respect, and tolerance. 

  • Love of Work– being generous of heart, constant, and persevering in our daily work. Confident, visionary, decisive in meeting the needs of the community, and encouraging each other to discover the dignity of our work with young people and with each other. Marists’ view work, to bring purpose and meaning to life. 

  • In the Way of Mary– seeing Mary as a perfect model of being Marist; tender, strong, constant in faith, open to God’s calling us to our own journey of discipleship. Mary for Marists is an exemplar of the Christian life, as mother, as one who praised God. She is a woman on a journey of faith, who had ‘dust on her feet’. ​

(Champagnat Marist Charism; maristbrothers.org.nz)​
